券商Wedbush分析师丹尼尔·伊夫接受采访时表示:“特斯拉状告特朗普政府,此举出乎意料且出手强势,或吸引其他美国企业效仿。” 伊夫相信,许多美国企业和投资者将密切关注此案进展。
Tesla Inc。 has sued the United States government for collecting tariffs on parts the company imported from China for the manufacturing of its electric cars。
Bloomberg reported that Tesla on Monday filed the suit concerning tariffs imposed by the Office of the U.S。 Trade Representative (USTR) on imports from China in the U.S。 Court of International Trade in New York。
The carmaker in its filing called tariffs “arbitrary, capricious, and an abuse of discretion。” It wants the court to declare the duties unlawful and order a refund, with interest, amounts already paid。
2018年8月,美国贸易代表办公室公布了对价值约160亿美元中国产品加征25%关税的清单,特斯拉Model 3型号电动车部件组装要用到的中国制造的电脑和显示屏也名列其中。
The USTR last year denied Tesla‘s bid to avoid tariffs of 25 percent on the Chinese-made computer and display screens it uses in its Model 3 electric car。 At the time, the company argued that the increased cost imposed by the tariffs would cause economic harm through the increase of costs and impact to profitability。
In 2018, the company estimated that additional tariffs on parts sourced from China would decrease gross profit by 50 million U.S。 dollars in the fourth quarter of the year。
Tesla shares on Wednesday tumbled 10 percent to 380.36 U.S。 dollars after its annual “Battery Day” event, in which its CEO Elon Musk said the company will cut costs to build a cheap electric car with a price tag of 25,000 U.S。 dollars in three years。
特朗普政府对中国发起贸易战并肆意加征关税的做法,不仅引起了美国企业的不满,也遭到了美国媒体的讽刺。《纽约时报》曾评价道,“特朗普其实是在给美国人加税”,CNBC则发文称“增加关税并没有给美国人带来好处 ”。
Other automakers, including General Motors, Volvo, Ford and Mercedes-Benz have also joined the battle to sue the U.S。 government because of the increasing costs caused by additional tariffs on auto parts from China, AFP reported。
Mercedes-Benz argued that U.S。 law “did not confer authority on defendants to litigate a vast trade war for however long, and by whatever means, they choose,” AFP reported。
责任编辑:杨杰 SN239