美大选前欲通过经济刺激方案 佩洛西:只给48小时!
U.S。 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday said that White House and congressional lawmakers must reach an agreement in 48 hours if they want to pass a new COVID-19 relief package before the presidential election in November。
“The 48 only relates to if we want to get it done before the election, which we do,” Pelosi said in an interview with ABC News。
“We‘re saying to them, we have to freeze the design on some of these things。 Are we going with it or not and what is the language? I’m optimistic because, again, we‘ve been back and forth on all of this,” she said。
Asked about whether Americans are going to get pandemic relief before November 3 Election Day, Pelosi said that depends on the Trump administration。 “The fact is that we cannot -- the heart of the matter is to stop the spread of the virus,” she said。
据佩洛西发言人汉米尔介绍,双方的对话持续近一小时,并在检测方面已经出现“一些令人鼓舞的消息”,但 “仍存在不少差异,必须在未来48小时内全面解决。”
Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have been negotiating a new COVID-19 relief package for months, with the most recent call on Saturday night resulting in “some encouraging news on testing,” according to Drew Hammill, spokesman and deputy chief of staff for the House speaker。
“There remains an array of additional differences as we go provision by provision that must be addressed in a comprehensive manner in the next 48 hours,” Hammill tweeted on Saturday night。
“Decisions must be made by the White House in order to demonstrate that the Administration is serious about reaching a bipartisan agreement that provides for Americans with the greatest needs during the pandemic,” Hammill said。
During a virtual conference hosted by the Milken Institute on Wednesday, Mnuchin said that it would be difficult for the White House and Democrats to reach a deal on a comprehensive COVID-19 relief package before the presidential election, as the two sides were still far apart on certain issues。
“I‘d say at this point getting something done before the election and executing on that would be difficult, just given where we are,” Mnuchin said。
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has recently urged policymakers to provide more fiscal relief to households and businesses hurt by the pandemic, warning a prolonged slowing economic recovery could trigger typical recessionary dynamics。
责任编辑:张玉 SN234
当地时间4月18日,美国国家过敏症和传染病研究所所长安东尼·福奇博士在接受采访时表示,他认为美国可能会继续为民众接种强生新冠疫苗,但是会发布相关警告或对接种人群设置限制。{image=1}据报道,美国约700万人接种了强生疫苗,出现6例脑血栓病例,为18至48岁的女性接种者。为此,美国食品药物管理局“出于谨慎考虑”建议暂停接种强生疫苗。0000约旦首都附近军事基地发生爆炸 造成至少2人死亡
{image=1}海外网9月11日电据俄罗斯卫星通讯社报道,当地时间11日,约旦安全部门消息称,位于约旦首都安曼东北部的扎卡市郊区发生爆炸,造成至少2人死亡,3人受伤。爆炸发生在扎尔卡市附近的一个军事基地,安全部队在Al-Ghabawi地区留下的一枚炸弹发生爆炸。爆炸现场燃起了大火,当地消防部门正在灭火。{image=2}0000秘鲁新增新冠肺炎确诊病例9090例 累计594326例
据秘鲁卫生部8月23日发布的疫情报告显示,与前一日报告相比,秘鲁新增新冠肺炎确诊病例9090例,其中过去24小时新增病例为3706例,另外5384例为调整补增。累计确诊病例594326例,单日新增死亡210例,累计死亡27663例。目前仍有13363人住院接受治疗,已有399357人康复。(总台记者廖军华)责任编辑:郑亚鹏0000印媒:数名“恐怖分子”试图潜入首都 可能发动恐袭