据美国有线电视新闻网、美联社、华盛顿邮报等多家美国媒体报道,美国总务管理局局长艾米丽·墨菲(Emily Murphy)11月23日致信通知拜登将开始总统过渡进程。
Emily Murphy, head of the U.S。 General Services Administration (GSA), said in a letter to Joe Biden on Monday that her office was ready to begin the formal presidential transition process and make “post-election resources and services available” to his team。
“As the Administrator of the U.S。 General Services Administration, I have the ability under the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, as amended, to make certain post-election resources and services available to assist in the event of a presidential transition,” Murphy wrote in the letter, ”I take this role seriously and, because of recent developments involving legal challenges and certifications of election results, am transmitting this letter today to make those resources and services available to you。“
拜登过渡团队执行主任约翰内斯·亚伯拉罕(Yohannes Abraham)对总务管理局的决定表示欢迎,表示“这一决定是开始解决当前美国所面临挑战的必要步骤,包括控制新冠疫情和让经济重回正轨。”他还透露未来几天过渡团队的成员将和联邦政府官员开会讨论有关疫情的应对措施,以及全面了解国家安全利益等问题。
“Today‘s decision is a needed step to begin tackling the challenges facing our nation, including getting the pandemic under control and our economy back on track。 This final decision is a definitive administrative action to formally begin the transition process with federal agencies。 In the days ahead, transition officials will begin meeting with federal officials to discuss the pandemic response, have a full accounting of our national security interests,” Biden-Harris Transition Executive Director Yohannes Abraham reacted in a statement。
Later that day, U.S。 Department of Defense said the department received confirmation from the GSA Administrator in a statement on the website, and will “begin immediately implementing our plan to provide support in accordance with statute, DOD policy and the memorandum of agreement between the White House and the Biden-Harris team。”
Biden on Monday revealed his top nominees for foreign policy and national security。 Some of these names worked in the Obama administration at the State Department and the White House。
安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)被提名担任国务卿。布林肯曾在奥巴马政府时期担任国家安全事务副助理和副国务卿。
Antony Blinken, 58, is the frontrunner for the job of U.S。 Secretary of State。 He served as Deputy Secretary of State and Deputy National Security Adviser during the Obama administration and has close ties with Biden。
亚历杭德罗·马约卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)被提名为国土安全部部长。马约卡斯出生于古巴,他曾在奥巴马政府时期担任国土安全部副部长,他也是首位被提名担任国土安全部部长的拉美裔移民。
Alejandro Mayorkas has been nominated to lead the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)。 He served as deputy secretary at DHS under the Obama administration。 If confirmed by the U.S。 Senate, Mayorkas would become the first Latino and first foreign-born leader of the sprawling department created in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks。
艾薇儿·海恩斯(Avril Haines)拟担任国家情报总监。在奥巴马政府时期,她曾担任总统助理和国家安全事务副助理,此前还担任过中情局副局长。她有望成为美国情报部门的首位女性“掌门人”。
Biden‘s pick for Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, a former top CIA official and deputy national security adviser, will also make history if confirmed by the Senate。 Haines is expected to be the first woman to lead the U.S。 intelligence community。
白宫国家安全顾问一职,拜登则属意自己目前的高级政策顾问——杰克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan)。沙利文此前曾担任美国国务院政策规划办公室主任。
Jake Sullivan, a former State Department official, will join the White House team as Biden‘s national security adviser。
拜登还提名资深外交官琳达·托马斯-格林菲尔德(Linda Thomas-Greenfield)出任美国常驻联合国代表。托马斯-格林菲尔德外交经验丰富,曾担任美国国务院负责非洲事务的助卿。
Linda Thomas-Greenfield, one of the most high-profile black female U.S。 diplomats who worked for years on African affairs, has been nominated to serve as U.S。 Ambassador to the United Nations。
此外,前国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)被提名担任总统气候特使,并将进入国家安全委员会。这是该委员会首次将一位专门负责气候变化问题的官员纳入其中。
The former Secretary of State John Kerry was named as special climate envoy。 Kerry, whose appointment does not require U.S。 Senate confirmation, will have a seat on the National Security Council in the White House, Biden’s transition team said, marking the first time an official in that body will be dedicated to the climate issue。
疫情重创美国经济之际,美国财政部长的人选备受关注。据路透社报道,美联储前主席珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)有望被提名为美国财政部长。如果最终提名通过,耶伦将成为美国历史上第一位女性财长。
Besides, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is expected to be nominated as U.S。 Treasury Secretary, confirmed by allies to the Biden campaign as per a Reuters report, breaking a 231-year gender barrier and putting a seasoned economist and labor market expert in charge of leading the country out of the steepest economic downturn since the Great Depression。