蚂蚁集团:已完成整改方案制定 借呗、花呗纳入消费金融公司
新京报快讯 据蚂蚁集团官微消息,蚂蚁集团对再次被约谈作出回应。以下为全文:
Using the rectification as an opportunity to reinforce our commitment to serve consumers and SMEs
On Dec. 26, 2020, financial regulators put forward five requirements to Ant Group for the rectification of its key businesses. Ant Group attaches great importance to the seriousness of the rectification. Under the regulators’ guidance, and in accordance with regulatory requirements, Ant Group has completed the formulation of our rectification plan.
Ant Group, in its entirety, will apply to set up a financial holding company to ensure our financial-related businesses are fully regulated. Returning to its origin, our payment business will serve consumers and SMEs by focusing on micro-payments and bringing them convenience. Ant Group will set up a personal credit reporting company and apply for a personal credit reporting license. We will conduct the personal credit reporting business in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, strengthen the protection of personal information, and effectively prevent the abuse of data. “Jiebei” and “Huabei” will be operated by our consumer finance company which will be operated in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. We will strengthen consumer rights protection as well as suitability management of financial consumers. We will also further enhance our corporate governance, adhere to fair competition rules, bring related-party transactions into line, strengthen risk prevention and control, create a fair market environment, and further strengthen our corporate social responsibility commitments. Those actions mentioned above will be carried out after completing the relevant procedures provided in the regulatory requirements and Ant Group’s corporate bylaws.
Ant Group fully recognizes that regulating the platform economy under relevant laws, and putting all financial-related activities under financial regulation, are important initiatives that consider the overall picture while balancing the industry’s growth and safety. By doing so, financial regulators are not only ensuring the healthy and orderly development of the industry, but are also safeguarding a fair market environment to promote higher quality growth in the future.
Under the guidance of financial regulators, Ant Group will spare no effort in implementing the rectification plan, ensuring that the operation and growth of our financial-related businesses are fully compliant. In the meantime, we will ensure business continuity and maintain service quality, and continue to enhance our capabilities to serve consumers, small businesses and the real economy.
Using the rectification as an opportunity, Ant Group will reinforce our commitment to serve consumers, small businesses and the real economy, and further focus on being a technology-driven company that innovates for good and creates open and win-win partnerships. We will put our growth proactively within the national strategic context, continue to invest in technological innovation, enhance our compliance capabilities, beef up our global competitiveness, strive to create societal value, and contribute to the new development paradigm of domestic and international circulations.
Ant Group
April 12, 2021
作者:王丽娜、孙纯雪来源:正和岛创业不易,时世维艰——一个经理人与民企老板的对话近两年疫情加上市场下滑的影响,让很多企业遇到了更大的生存考验,山东通广传媒是当地一家经营户外广告的企业,他们同时还投资了服务于生鲜超市的肉制品配送业务,时近年关,下面是这家公司老板和生鲜业务负责人的微信对话,后者写于凌晨一点,大家或许能从中感受到企业经营者的不易,也借此多一些对基层奋斗者的体恤与同情。0000面向批量生产 我国首条小卫星智能生产线首颗卫星下线
加快公立医院高质量发展。“经过改革开放40年来医疗服务体系建设、20年来医院能力建设、10年来深化医药卫生体制改革的实践探索,我国公立医院已经到了从‘量的积累’转向‘质的提升’的关键期,必须把发展的着力点放在提升质量和效率上。”在不久前的国务院政策例行吹风会上,国家卫生健康委副主任李斌指出。0001家电原材料上涨 格力、美的均表示无涨价计划