中新网评:CNN报道中国疫苗接种被称“中国新闻网” 这是什么“双标”?
中新网北京6月22日电(蒋鲤)当地时间18日,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道了中国疫苗接种量将破十亿剂次,并惊叹“中国速度”。这则报道触动了一些美国媒体人和政客的敏感神经,他们指责“美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network)”成了“中国新闻网(China News Network)”,并指CNN为“中国共产党做宣传”。针对中国的一则客观报道竟沦为于中国有利的“宣传”,再次体现了美西方部分群体在针对中国问题上的双重标准。
CNN dubbed ‘China News Network’: what double-standard trick are some U.S media playing?
By John Lee
(ECNS) -- U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) was surprised by China‘s coronavirus vaccination rates, calling it “a scale and speed unrivaled by any other country in the world” in its report “China is about to administer its billionth coronavirus shot” last Friday. Fox News cited a commentary by NewsBusters analyst Nicholas Fondacaro, who labeled CNN as “China News Network pumping out propaganda for the CCP.” A fact report on China was interpreted as “pro-China propaganda”, showing some people in the U.S. and other Western countries had played a double-standard trick on China once again.
In fact, this is not the first time that they have practiced double standards on China issues. Previously, some U.S. media including CNN romanticized the rocket debris of SpaceX as “lighting up the sky with a spectacular rocket show”, while coordinately stating China‘s rocket debris would “cause threats to objects on Earth”. This time, CNN’s report on China‘s vaccination speed was called “running Chinese propaganda for the CCP”, with even Chinese statistics brought into doubt. It is nothing but their prejudice against China’s development that sees lies flattered while facts are questioned and ridiculed.
It is an established fact that China has administered more than one billion doses of the COVID vaccine. Some U.S media shout for press freedom, but can‘t stop satirizing and questioning objective China-related reports, which is no doubt “sour grapes psychology.” Does their press freedom mean unlimited freedom in attacking and smearing China?
China‘s achievements in fighting COVID-19 won’t be effaced despite their slander. Statistics released by National Health Commission on Sunday shows more than one billion vaccines have been administered across China as of Saturday, which is definitely true and reliable. Therefore, U.S. media should give up their double-standard related to China, abide by news facts and professional ethics and report on China in a fair and objective way.
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