Bloomberg: Is the foreign ministry able to confirm whether TikTok will be required to seek regulatory approval for a sale to a US company? Are the new restrictions on exports that cover technologies ByteDance uses for TikTok aimed at ensuring China has oversight over any sale?
Zhao Lijian: You were talking about the catalog of technologies that are banned or restricted for export, which was established, revised and released jointly by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and the Ministry of Science and Technology, right?
MOFCOM has released information on the relevant matter. Official in charge of MOFCOM‘s Department of Trade in Services and Commercial Services took questions from the press on the revised catalog, stressing that catalog of technologies aims to regulate the management of technology export, advance science, technology and economic and technological cooperation with other countries, and safeguard China’s economic security. I‘d refer you to the competent authorities for the specifics regarding the implementation of the revised catalog.
I don‘t comment on the operation specifics of companies. The pertinent company has released information which you may refer to. As China clearly stated on many occasions, we oppose the US practices of stretching the concept of national security and abusing national power to oppress certain foreign businesses. The tricks of economic bullying and political manipulation that the US played on non-American companies, no matter they are “coerced transaction by government” or “forced transaction by government”, are disguised and coercive robbery. It violates the market principles and international rules, and reveals the irony when the US boasts itself to be a champion of market economy and fair competition.
责任编辑:梁斌 SF055
{video=1}来源:壹地产昨天上午,碧桂园集团面向销售支持条线组织了一场线上培训会议,评论区却群情激愤,不断刷屏,会议还因此被迫暂停。员工们的质疑是:碧桂园能拿出巨款赞助元宵晚会,却在拖欠各地营销员工的年终奖。数千名碧桂园营销员工的情绪就此被点燃,他们决定站起来了。在培训会议进行的同时,一位碧桂园员工悄悄建立了“金凤凰营销群”的讨薪QQ群,很快就吸引了五六百位群成员。0000小巨头的支付梦:京东数科距离蚂蚁金服 还有10倍体量差距